
Agnews High School
Location San Jose, CA
Prime Contractor Swinerton Builders
Architect LPA, Inc.
Fabricator Weldway Steel Fabrication
Year Completed 2022
Capacity of project in tons of steel 2,220

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Agnews High School is a new state-of-the-art 192,230 square foot school for 1,600 students in the Santa Clara Unified School District.  The scope of work included five multi-level buildings and three smaller structures for a student kiosk and sports fields dugouts.  

Our field crews erected 2,220 tons of structural steel, including columns, beams, stairs, trusses, scrimwalls, and mechanical screens, along with handrail and miscellaneous steel items.  The project required 465 complete joint penetration welds at both moment frames and buckling restraint brace frames.